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Like the chameleon

Life is ruthless, especially in the present simply be alive and fairly satisfy your needs implies an incredible amount of responsibilities that sometimes can feel unbearable.

Since our childhood, we had been thought to be responsible for taking into account our commitments. However, we had also been thought to dream in small, "satisfy your immediate needs and be happy." The problem is that we only focus on our immediate needs can be difficult to escape to everyday responsibilities.

On the other hand, we cannot simply have an epiphany and like the old wise men left all our commitments and follow our dreams, Unless we only depend on ourselves that only happens in movies.

We need to be like the chameleon, we must have a big dream inside our hearts and with one eye focus on the goal whereas the path to the goal needs to be walked step by step with a vigilant eye on the daily needs.

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Sebastian Serna Rodas
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